ADHD and Parenting

“Life with ADHD is a rollercoaster ride with twists and turns either you scream it or enjoy the ride”

Well, when it comes to parenting, everybody thinks it is as simple as it appears to be but if you are a parent and undergoing stress or not able to cope up with the children. The fact is, this is a common challenge for children who suffer from ADD or ADHD. If you are parenting a child with focus challenges, you may feel the frustration of what others see as “irresponsible” behavior or “laziness.”

As a result, it’s not uncommon for overwhelmed and exhausted parents to react to their child’s challenging behavior with frustration, anger, or resentment.

“Instead, it tends to make our kid’s behavior even worse”

But yelling at our kids with ADHD, rebuke them, or issuing them with ultimatums or punishment in an attempt to change behavior that is due to their underlying developmental delay is never going to achieve the results we want, it just creates detestation, more anger, more agitation, and frustration, in fact, your child will stop trusting you.

“People with ADHD often have a special, feel for life a way of seeing right into hearty of matters while others have to reason their way methodically” Edward Halloween

The demands of monitoring a child with ADHD can be physically and mentally exhausting. Your child’s inability to “listen” can lead to frustration and that frustration to anger—followed by guilt about being angry at your child. Your child’s behavior can make you anxious and stressed. If there’s a basic difference between your personality and that of your child with ADHD, their behavior can be especially difficult to accept.

As a concerned parent, there are a few things you can do to help ensure your child has an easier time completing tasks.

Stay happy and Positive

Maintain a Healthy Relationship: Your best assets for helping your child meet the challenges of ADHD are your positive attitude and common sense. Children mimic the behaviors they witness on a day-by-day basis. You can help your child learn to manage his or her feelings but manage your own. Choose to count to 10 or walk away for a short period before disciplining your child for a behavioral outburst. The children with ADHD know each and everything which is going around, start talking to your child, start understanding what he is feeling. When you are calm and focused, you are more likely to be able to connect with your child, helping him or her to be calm and focused as well.

Keep Your Child Engaged

When trying to finish tasks, such as homework, it may be easy for your child to become distracted. Make sure they stay engaged by asking questions about what they are doing and paying attention to the progress they have made. If you stay engaged, there is a better chance they will, as well.

Take breaks

After every activity takes tiny breaks which involve after therapy give him any activity which he likes to accept their offer and discuss honestly how best to handle your child.

Introduce wait time

The idea behind wait time is similar to thinking out loud. If a child waits a few seconds before speaking or acting when they have a thought, they have time to consider if it is appropriate. Waiting time introduces the concept of patience in your child.

This will take a lot of practice, but it can be worth it, and it can give them a real advantage in their social life.

Avoid using negative language

Positive feedback can help build a child’s confidence.

A child with ADHD may feel that they are disliked or that they always do things wrong. Reinforcing this with negative language can be hurtful and make disruptive behaviors worse. It is impossible to be positive all the time, and so it is essential for a parent to find an outlet to express their concerns or worries. This might be a friend, partner, or a therapist. The child will catchwords as fast as we catch the metro!

Create a multi-sensory room

You can create multisensory rooms in your home, you can check in my blogs


You can engage your child in swimming, as swimming helps to reduce hyperactivity level will also improve coordination skills.

Gross motor activities

As mentioned in the previous blogs, many gross motor activities have been introduced for the parents during their home time, you can do as many activities for neutralizing the bomb energy of your child

Set clear expectations.

It’s a crucial step that every patient should follow, brief your child about what you are going to do next after this will help in modeling your child by themselves. Before you go somewhere, talk with your child to explain how you want him to behave. Focus more energy on teaching your child what to do, rather than reacting to what not to do.


Well, this activity is a favorite game to rid boredom but in the case of ADHD, it will help to enhanced the visualizing capacity of your child.on a great extent you can understand what your child expects from the world Sharing a story is a fab way to connect with your child and help them to see the world from different perspectives. Kids with ADHD tend to overlook characters' motives, but if you read together and discuss the different characters' motives and actions, it may help them to understand other people better.

Lava floor

You've probably played this game before. Imagine that the floor is made of lava and you are only safe in designated spots. Now, challenge your kids to cross the floor without getting burned.


Outdoors games are always important for brain development as it increases attention, concentration, and self-regulation. It improves blood flow to the brain, sensory development, develops muscular strength, reduces obesity, and stimulates blood cells. take park tours, take them to play areas but not the gaming area. let them play in the park with children on swings,

“Sometimes child do his own therapy by his own “

A recent study I am attaching the link below which showed that regular physical activity decreased the severity of ADHD symptoms and improved cognitive functioning in children. It doesn't take a major time commitment, either. Even just 30 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous exercise can have an impact on focus and mood.

Martial Arts & Yoga (Psychomotor Activities)

When it comes to after-school group activities, martial arts and yoga rank highly across the board with parents of students with ADHD and ADD. Each of these activities is the type of psychomotor activity, which is great for kids with a sensory processing disorder. These types of activities teach children mental focus, self-discipline, and social skills while developing gross motor skills. “You can join him in karate-do class, martial class, and dance class depending upon your child.


Be a calm parent! create a space between your child action and your reaction


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